This week:
- We had a few days with temperatures below fifty degrees. I actually wore a jacket and people here thought the world was coming to an end. It was wonderful!
- It rained. For me, it was such a nice change to see rain until I saw the pictures from a city less than an hour away from us. These poor people have lost everything. I won't be wishing for rain again anytime soon.
- We are currently babysitting the hamster from KK's pre-school. "Hammy" is a round, over-fed little bugger. I fear that he will become stuck in the narrow, little tubes protruding from his cage. And PH already yelled that Hammy was not in his cage and after a frantic search, we found him mid-tube. Pray we don't kill the damn thing before his return to pre-school on Monday. KK would never live it down.
- As I was driving yesterday, a vulture flew into the path of my windshield and despite attempting to brake, I hit the friggin' thing. Just a small ding to the windshield, but PH is still laughing at my driving skills and the irony of hitting a vulture.
- KK and Hew are in competition for the world record for the most consecutive days bickering. I may be institutionalized soon.
- At the ripe old age of two, Hew has announced his career choice - Trash Man. He explained that the Trash Man gets to ride on the back of the truck AND wear his hat backwards. What more could one need in life. . .
So, what was your career choice as a child? Happy Weekend!
You are brave to take care of Hammy! (sending you good wishes on his 'healthy' return Monday)LoL
As for my career choice, I'm still thinking about it...and giving Trash Man a consideration...
: )
I love the hammy pic! Although I'd pass on taking him home...
As for career choice, I think my brother had Hew beat. He wanted to be a BIG FAT MAN! yes that is correct, thanks to my cousin...
Looking back on it now, there's more truth to that. My brother is fat and lazy and thinks he's athletic swimmer appetite goes with a lazy couch potatoe one today... But I wouldn't tell him that because he doesn't think he has a problem being 100lbs overweight at age 26!
p.s. - so glad you are safe!
My Dad still wants to be a Dustman (as they call it in the UK)!
I am so glad you're safe. I saw the storm damage on the news and was going to email you but then the microwave beeped or something and it went clean out of my head! (I'm terrible for that!)
Anyway, take care of yourself, rain, hail or shine!
Oh, and, the bickering is truly soul destroying, I know. My sympathies.
I wanted to be a prima ballerina and called myself Lady Margaret Fountain, in hommage to Dame Margot Fonteyn. As a teenager I wanted to be a diplomat and travel the world, until the 1979 American hostage crisis in Iran...
I was going to be a lawyer, an actor, an astronaut or an archaeologist.
My son said he wanted to be a 'skateboard guy' at his pre-school graduation. Hmmm...
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