Tomorrow is Hew's first day of pre-school. I fear a replay of two years ago when I dropped KK off for her first day. I never suspected a thing - after all, KK had gone to daycare while I worked. Yet as I walked away from the classroom, I got all mushy and such. By the time I hit the parking lot, I was sobbing as though I'd given up my first born, all the while knowing I'd be back at 2:45 P.M to retrieve the selfish little child who never even looked back when I left the classroom. It was horrific.
Now I am only across campus and I know that Hew is ever so ready, but just in case, I think I'll pack a few tissues in my pocket.
Nothing like the first time - hope the experience where real good for Hew!
I bet you where glad for your tissue anway:-)
I still sniff when I drop Julian off. Sometimes I'll be walking to work and then go "Where's my son?!?" and then realize that, oh yeah, I dropped him off just 2 seconds ago.
I know how you feel. Hope it went alright. It's funny how mums always seem to cry more than the kids at times like this!
My son's first day in preschool was a real downer for me: I carefully parked the car, let him climb out of his carseat (he was all but 2 1/2), and by the time I had closed the car he was up the hill at the entrance to the school, turned around and with a little wave that heartless kid of mine was in the door!
Oh the envy, seeing mothers whose kids were throwing a great fuss. ;-)
Thank you all. I actually managed no tears this time. Maybe I was all out after a week of tearing up at just the thought of his first day. Or maybe I was just a bit miffed as when I said I was leaving, Hew replied, without even looking up from the toys, that he'd stay and play with his friend that he'd met only moments before. Traitor ;) At least I wasn't one of the sobbing mothers they led to the gym in order to keep them from upsetting their kids!
Good job, Hexe!
It's always hard to close a window on a stage in one's children's lives. Once I couldn't imagine my sweet oldest one to grow beyond age three, and now? She's grown into this gorgeous young woman who can teach me a thing or two (or five!). ;-)
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