Four years ago at this time, still groggy from the meds, I finally met you. I knew all these years I would have a boy and you had your name long before you were conceived.
I had to laugh yesterday when your aunt called me to tell me that your present contained a kazoo and a harmonica. She said that you were a kid who needed a kazoo and as much as I protested about the noise, I knew she was right. You are that happy, go lucky kid who walks around for hours blowing into a kazoo because its fun. Never mind that the rest of the house hears noise, you just keep going because you're having a good time.
Not to say that you don't have your moments. That first year you resisted sleep like it was a battle. Our contest of wills went on until you realized that you like to nap as much as I do. I don't expect to win them all, but I appreciate that you finally gave in on that one. You have moments of vulnerability that remind me that while self assured, you are just four. Today at school when you didn't want me to leave, I was once again reminded that you aren't always as confident as you appear.
I know we expect a lot from you, but I also know that you consistently rise and surpass our expectations. We are very proud of you and can't imagine our lives without a kazoo player. Happy 4th Birthday.
Awww, happy birthday to Hew!
Happy Birthday, Hew!
Wow, hope you enjoy your harmonica and kazoo - those are some cool presents.
What a great meme for your son - really shows your unconditional love for him!
I do hope you had a great Birthday Party and I wish Hew all the way from Norway :-)
The time you have with your children is precious, every year is precious, you can never get them back. Take care of the moments you have...but the good news is that the future is good too. As a mother to two boys ages 16 and 19 I know how fast time goes...but I still love them just as much s I did when they were small. Enjoy the childhood...remember yours and play with them, thats the best gift you can give.
Happy Birthday Hew! I think we can talk about an arranged marriage, Em is barely an older woman!
happy birthday Hew and many more...
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