Wish I was there . .
My passport is ready and I can be packed in minutes.

19 February 2009

Nothing to See Here

Really, there is nothing to report. It's a bit like Bill Murray in Ground Hog Day here. The kids go to school and at least once a week I am at the school on some project, field trip, extra curricular activity, etc. KK and Hew has gymnastics once a week. Hew is starting t-ball. KK attends Daisy Scouts. I continue finding advertisements for employment. Hubby continues to send out his CV. There was a call from recruiter in the Northeast - said she'll get back to him next week. We've learned not to hold our breath. I clean, cook, do laundry, and help with homework. A couple a times a week, I am exercising, but should be doing more. Have been out to visit my grandparents who are here for the sunny winter. My seedlings are ready to go in the ground, but we periodically have a day of 30 degree weather, so I'm holding off. Things break and we fix them. I made peanut butter - actually it was cashew butter - it was a hit. We take the kids out for bike rides. Have looked at a couple photography classes, but I have to work around Spring Break at the end of March so no commitment yet. Talk about vacation this summer and Spring Break in March. We talk and Skype with family. I finished knitting one sweater for a niece and am working on the second one for niece 2. We wash, and brush, and read stories, say prayers, and go to bed.

That's it folks, nothing to see here.


Unknown said...

It sounds like you are busy and that is what you need to do the most! Thanks for the comment on working out.... And that's taken with my hurt foot. I hope to be back in full force soon. It's been wks off of running!

Anonymous said...

You, busy bee - this is not just nothing :-)

Wishing you a wonderful end to your week!