Wish I was there . .
My passport is ready and I can be packed in minutes.

29 February 2008

Flu and Frenzy

Didn't mean to disappear for over a week, but I came down with the stomach flu, got better, and then had a second round of the flu after Hew picked it up. The only good part was that I managed to shed a couple of those holiday pounds.

As I recovered, I also began trying to arrange the trip to Belgium. Being the insane planner that I am, I usually have months on end to plan our vacations. I spend hours fawning over websites, travel books, and blogs to find just the right place to stay and the sites to visit. Less than thirty days to plan an overseas trip with two small children is not conducive to hyper-planning personality. Add into the mix the stomach flu (TWICE!) and that as I am not currently employed, I also planned the four days we are spending with PH's brother and family, and you can see it was a recipe for a melt down.

After numerous hours searching and emailing the family in France, I had the accommodations chosen. I waited dutiful like a good wife to show them to PH Monday night. He fawned over and complimented my hasty but well chosen choices. Tuesday morning I woke with a smug smile on my face and a credit card in hand, ready to reserve these accommodations. As I logged on, my pride was replaced with panic as I found that two of the three accommodation were no longer available. The next four hours were spent swearing and and making executive decision without consulting hubby or his damn family. As it currently stands, we will arrive in Brussels and spend one night in a hotel, then head to Brugge for four nights in a lovely self catering apartment, back to Brussels to meet with PH's family for four nights all together in a three bedroom apartment. This leaves us the last five nights to choose between German and The Netherlands which I will plan at the last minute just in case PH needs to go anywhere in particular.

It was during this planning frenzy that I discovered that we will be landing in Belgium on Easter Sunday. Bad parent that I am, I forgot that Easter is early this year so my kids will be celebrating Easter by making their first international flight. This has raised numerous questions. Can the Easter Bunny hide eggs on the plane? Do we have to claim the Easter treats found on our custom's form? Does the Easter Bunny need a passport for an international flight? Will he have to remove his shoes, jacket, and belt too when he goes through security? Will the plastic eggs be confiscated for national security? Can the Easter Bunny bring jelly beans that will immediately put children to sleep on long, international flight and have them wake up refreshed and ready for a long first day, thus avoiding the inevitable sleep deprived screaming fit?


Rosie said...

Nice to know that plans for the trip are progressing so smoothly. Since you have so much spare time:I am sorry but I have tagged you for a meme to make up 7 weird and wonderful facts about yourself...again maybe? I hope not

Merisi said...

Easter is awfully early this year, one of my kids will be in Kuala Lumpor and another one in Chicago, and I realized this only a few days ago. As far as young ones on airplanes are concerned, I could write "The Book", starting with one baby and slowly moving up to four, age group 0 through 7 at one point on board, and then up, international flights changing planes twice. I remember at one point shlepping an extra bag with diapers, which the stewardess wanted to confiscate. Please go ahead, I told her, as long as you have enough of them on board, I won't mind! She handed me the bag back without hesitating for a second. ;-)
Stay away from the bugs, and good luck with everything!

Sunshine said...

The Easter bunny will have already covered Belgium in hidden treasure since they are ahead on time, so easily explained to the kiddos that everything will be waiting for them.

My only suggestion after flying with four kids for many years now, take entertaining things that MAKE NO NOISE or risk pissing off other passengers to the hilt.

EuroTrippen said...

Have the easter bunny come early... he can leave a note explaining he saw they would be on their first international flight, so he thought he'd drop their goodies off before they left. He can even bring books about flying ('Caillou Rides on a Plane' is a good one)and lots of little activities they can do on the plane.

They'll feel special because the easter bunny gave them unique treatment, and you'll be able to mark another thing off your to-do list.

EuroTrippen said...

By the way, if you end up coming to Germany let me know...

Merisi said...

Hi, Sunshine,
could you spare a few degrees? Temperature all of a sudden dropped to the freezing point here. *help*