Hexe to PH on Thursday after learning of his Grandmother's death (and after several hours without A/C):
"Just give me the computer. I'm quicker and more efficient in finding a flight."
Tonight, PH to Hexe on the phone from NY:
"I tried to check in on-line for my return flight tomorrow, but it appears that my return flight is for August 30, not August 3 . . . I've already called the airline and paid the fee to change the flight."
SHIT! Pass me a fork . . .
oh geeze...I hate that!
I'm watching Rick Steves right now. This is like my every day thing when I can! Bavaria today. I'm so homesick!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry to hear about PH's grandmother.
Long time - I've been on vacation - how about you?
Pass me a piece of that pie please:-)
Thank goodness I'm not the only one who does stuff like this!
I'm sorry about PH's grandmother. Hope his trip goes well.
E.T. I want Rick Steves' job:)
Renny - Thanks for the visit and the condolences. Our vacation included a visit to my family in New England and then a visit to my brother in law in France. Unfortunately, it is now back to the real world. I have suggested to my husband, PH, that he read your blog as he lived in Norway back in the late 80s and misses it.
Dixie - Thanks for the condolences. PH has arrived home safely and I am sure it will only be another day or so before I need some more "pie" :)
thanks for stopping by, when I can get my brain to function I'll have to link you up!
hopefully i can muster up some less depressing posts for you to read sometime than what i've had this week!
hope your reality gets a little easier now that you are back to it. :)
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