Not only is my vacation over, but my new career begins next week. I am crossing the bridge from one life to another. Before children, I was a career woman. I worked nights and weekends when I had to without question. I worked hard and climbed the ladder. I knew who I was and where I was going.
And then KK came along and life changed. I changed jobs but still in the same field - a job that was more child friendly, part-time, flexible, and with the best boss I will ever have. After Hew was born and I went to my wonderful boss and explained my decision to change careers to something less glamorous, with less prestige, and even less money, but with more time for my children, he understood. The new career is more positive and contributes more to society. I am excited and scared.
I will never blog about my work - fear of being Dooced or sent along the way of Petite Anglaise keeps me silent. Also, the new job is not one I could discuss without betraying the trust placed in me. I only mention it now because for me life is changing. And with change comes the hope for the future . . .
So, it's one of those "I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you" type jobs. Cool. Secret agent with a yen for travel. You're like a girl James Bond, only I'm assuming you get fewer STDs.
By the way, I just linked you because I'm too damn lazy to go thru your profile. I like shortcuts.
Sunshine - Secret agent - hahahahha! Armed with a diaper and destin, able to clean any stain out of carpet, able to stop screaming with single cookie - it's Hexe minus STDs :) I'll link you up too just give me a few days to stop laughing!
Hey, my youngest has suddenly decided to start taking off her diaper when she goes in it....and sometimes, there are things in there that don't look so good on carpet. I hear ya on the stains! When she's finally potty trained, I may recarpet the entire house!EWWWW
I know you are going to do well. :)
I'm having fun but it is taxing and I'm not getting any work or editing done. Oh well, life goes on sans kids. ;-)
I hope things go well once you start!
If you can tear yourself away from your secret agent job, I'm wondering if you want to contribute to a fight about teacher salary going on from my post from Tuesday. Thought you might have some insight.
E.T. - Thanks for the good thought. I'm sending some your way on the waiting process. Hope it goes quickly and gets shorter.
Sunshine - We've given up on carpet and are slowly putting wood down. Looks nicer and easier cleaning. Left you a comment on the teaching debate.
I love the idea of you being a secret agent. What cover could be better than that of a busy mommy?
Loved your comment. It should keep going as the dissenting person will keep trying to have the last word because he is so conviced he is right. Although, I've put out the war cry to some teachers who I think could chew him up and spit him out without breaking a sweat.
Just for you, I may have an utterly fascinating post of Before and After of my family room carpet after I get it cleaned again when school starts again. It will look like an episode of Extreme Makeover.
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