I know that I have a bias against Florida but the following story came from a brother-in-law who lives a few hours from us here in the Sunshine State. BIL owns a coffee shop/cafe and this is a recount of an e-mail we received yesterday:
Yesterday, a lovely group of "locals" came in for lunch. "Momma" who couldn't read, was a little blind and a little deaf had one of her offspring (or in this case "ahfspraang") read the choices to her. (side note: The first item in the Taco portion of the menu is "Rockem sockem Tacos. Its what we call the ground beef taco.) Momma stopped a server, who was passing by observing the exchange, and asked if the rockin possum tacos were real possum or just 'coon. Resisting the overwhelming urge to explain the great lengths we go to provide the finest ground possum for our tacos, the server managed to keep a straight face and tell her that they were ground beef tacos. The woman was truly disappointed and "ardered" the chicken.
This is what you find once you leave the Disney grounds - do I need to say more?
oh geeze! That's insane.
Wow, that was my impression of florida too~ I went to the grocery store, I could not find anything low fat, it was all pork rinds, Hellman mayo and white wonder bread....
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